Journal of Biological Chemistry – Cover Publication

On The Cover: Artistic rendition of Golgi production of branched N-glycans on surface glycoproteins (right side, artistic rendition), leading to enhanced binding of extracellular galectin-3 (artistically modified from Protein Data Bank entry 1a3k (Seetharaman, J., Kanigsberg, A., Slaaby, R., Leffler, H., Barondes, S. H., and Rini, J. R. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 13047–13052)) and in turn preventing loss of surface glycoproteins to endocytosis (left side, artistic rendition). In T cells, growth signaling differentially regulates multiple Golgi enzymes (Mgat1, Mgat2, Mgat5, α-mannosidase II/IIx, and α-mannosidase Ia,b,c) and hexosamine pathway production of UDP-GlcNAc to promote N-glycan branching, CTLA-4 surface retention, and T cell growth arrest. For details see the article by Chen et al., pages 32454–32461. The cover design was done by Sevan Torossian, Ani Grigorian, and Michael Demetriou.

Journal of Biological Chemistry


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